Earn the gold standard in the investment industry

For over a decade, we have provided candidates like you the knowledge, learning tools and exam techniques to pass the CFA exams and earn the coveted CFA Charter.

We have designed a complete learning solution for all levels of CFA prep. Learn concepts in class with CFA Charterholder faculty, practice questions and review progress with tests. Review and recap in our Revision Bootcamp and simulate the exam environment in a final mock-exam for end-to-end preparation. All of this is supplemented with study materials by a CFA Institute Prep Provider. What’s more! As an Academy student, you get access to a network of investment professionals and get to attend business skills workshops with PwC industry experts.

We offer classes for CFA Level I,II and III in Dubai and Riyadh, and can customise the programme for in-house training for organisations.

1500+ students qualified
CFA Charterholder Faculty
Face-to-face and virtual training options
One-on-one WhatsApp support

Who is it for?

This is the right choice for you if you are a finance professional, or aiming for a career in investment management. The CFA®  is suitable for Wealth managers, private bankers, investment and research analysts, or any professional involved or student aiming to work in an investment management profile.

You are eligible for CFA® if you meet at least one of the following criteria:

  • Hold a bachelor's program or equivalent program and have received a degree from the college/university OR
  • Hold a bachelor’s (or equivalent) degree (or be within 11 months of your graduation month by the time you sit for your Level I exam) OR
  • Have a combination of 4,000 hours of professional work experience and/or higher education

Course structure

Comprehensive Preparation Series:
120+ hours of classroom training with CFA Charterholder Faculty, conveniently scheduled over evenings and weekends for end-to-end exam preparation.
Revision Bootcamp
Intensive 5 days of review and practice, conveniently scheduled over weekends to boost your preparation and confidence.

More about the Qualification

The CFA qualification is the most internationally recognised and respected credential in the finance industry, and has been considered the gold standard in investment for over 60 years.You can learn more about the CFA Program offered by the CFA Institute here.

In an industry that struggles to define itself, the institutions and individuals that CFA Institute serve stand for building a better world for investors. Learn more about the CFA Institute here.The CFA Institute is a global association of investment professionals offering the CFA designation, the Certificate in Investment Performance Measurement designation, Certificate in ESG Investing and other related certifications. Learn more here.


Meet our trainers


Programme details to be announced soon; watch this space.


  • Why doesn’t CFA Institute candidates know what score is required to pass an exam or what score candidates achieved on the exam?

    The minimum passing score (MPS) for each level of the exam is determined by the CFA Institute Board of Governors each year after the administration of the exams. Neither the MPS nor individual candidate scores have ever been released. To set the MPS before the administration of the exams would require that an absolute standard be applied without regard to the difficulty of the exams; this could potentially be very unfair to candidates, especially across time. The Board's determination is based largely on standard setters' evaluation of exam difficulty, which can vary from one administration to the next.

  • Do the pass/fail numbers published by CFA Institute include all the registered candidates or just the ones who took the exam?

    The published pass rates include only those candidates who actually took the exams. The numbers do not include no-show candidates or those who withdrew.

  • Where is the CFA designation from CFA institute recognised?

    The CFA designation is recognised globally. In addition, several countries have recognized the quality of the CFA Program and designation by allowing passage of Level I of the exam or achievement of the CFA charter to meet certain licensing or qualification requirements.

  • When will I receive my CFA charter?

    If your society is hosting a charter recognition event between 1 September and 31 January, you will be invited to receive your charter at the event. Otherwise, your charter will be mailed to your primary address within 12 weeks of the date that you complete all requirements.

  • Are there guidelines for using the CFA designation?

    Yes, please see the Guide for Use of CFA Institute Marks for complete information on properly using the CFA designation.

  • Can my employer verify the status of my application?

    CFA Institute may only verify for an employer the receipt of any recent payments the employer has made on your behalf. All other information is confidential. Candidates must contact CFA Institute directly for further assistance.

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